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Periodontal Surgery

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Periodontal Treatment

Surgical therapy

In certain situations, periodontal treatments like scaling and root planing alone may not be sufficient to deal with periodontal disease, especially in patients who had more severe disease at the outset. For example, if the pockets around your teeth are too deep to clean adequately by professional means and proper home care. These patients may require further treatment in the form of surgical periodontal therapy.

Modern surgical treatments are generally minimally invasive. There are a variety of surgical techniques used in the management of severe periodontitis, each having their specific indication.


Periodontal surgery – patient testimonial

What are the
benefits of surgery?

  • By gently lifting the gums away from the teeth we can directly see the diseased site and have better access to treat the problem
  • It makes the site easier for you to maintain at home alongside professional maintenance from your periodontist and hygienist
  • In some circumstances bone regeneration can be performed

Preparing for

  • You will need to have excellent plaque control before surgery can be performed.
  • Smoking can inhibit healing following surgery and therefore effect the outcome of treatment, you should therefore quit smoking before having periodontal surgery.

Although more invasive than non-surgical periodontal treatment, periodontal surgery is not as invasive as it sounds. The treatment can be carried out at the practice using local anaesthetic and you can go home the same day. There can be some discomfort afterwards, however every case is different and your periodontist will explain the aftercare that you require.


The aim of periodontal regeneration is to increase the chances of you keeping your natural teeth where there has been significant destruction.

During periodontal regeneration the gum is folded back and regenerative materials and membranes are placed to try and replace the bone that has been destroyed by periodontitis. There are many different techniques and indications for this type of treatment and your periodontist will discuss your individual requirements with you.

Regeneration is not suitable for all patients as it depends on the pattern of bone loss in your mouth,  the periodontist will discuss all options for treatment with you and make recommendations as to the best option for you.