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Non-surgical periodontal therapy

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It’s true that many dental issues can be avoided by maintaining a good level of oral hygiene. It is estimated that just 1mm of dental plaque contains over 200 million bacteria, which can easily spread and develop biofilm, a breeding ground that is almost immune to drug therapy and the body’s defence system. The build-up of dental plaque can be often be overlooked. If left untreated plaque can lead to numerous complications including gum disease and, consequently, tooth loss.

EMS airflow therapy

Laser periodontal therapy

Supportive periodontal care

Dental hygiene

More about non-surgical periodontal therapy.

Waterlase™ Laser

Waterlase™ technology changes the environment in the gum pocket through the removal of toxins and calculus and helps to promote healthy tissue regeneration. The effectiveness of this treatment is superior to the more traditional therapy and quite often proves to be a more comfortable experience for the patient. By eliminating toxins and irritants the gum tissue is able to heal and consequently, the pockets begin to shrink. We conduct this treatment under local anaesthetic to increase comfort levels for our patients and may even split the treatment into two or more sessions if we believe it will be beneficial to the patient’s comfort.

After your initial therapy the team at Pure Periodontics will schedule a re-assessment appointment. At this appointment the healing response is evaluated and, if necessary, further treatment will be discussed and planned.

Implant maintenance

Implants offer the option to replace a tooth that has been lost, either through tooth decay, trauma or gum disease. They are an excellent option to replace a missing tooth but they require careful maintenance by both yourself and your dental team.

If you have previously had periodontitis you will be at an increased risk of developing peri-implant disease. You should therefore attend regularly for supportive periodontal maintenance.

If you have implants but do not regularly see a dental hygienist you would be welcome to attend Pure Periodontics as a ‘walk in’ hygiene patient for an assessment and maintenance.

To find out more about non-surgical therapy please call us on 020 3411 7735 to speak with our friendly team or fill out our contact form.